Thursday, August 22, 2013

My musical journey today starts with Debussy.

I've been thinking a lot about my very own musical journey. I wonder if everyone has one. You have music fans, band fans, popstar fans, genre fans. I wonder what different journey says about each person and how did they discover their adventure and how do their tales unfold.

I'm generally a music fan. Something about every note being put together in an entirely harmonious yet unexpected way that swings in different moods and emotions. But if I were to have a favourite genre, then classical would really be it. Sounds like I'm a classical girl lost in an urban jungle. Unfortunately, not many of my peers appreciate classical music, making the trip to the local Philharmonic a little challenging unless I go solo. Oh well, maybe that's my musical journey.  Some parts I dance with others, some parts I dance solo.

So what's your musical journey?  Tell me that tale.

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